(1) Fill up the tub with water. You won’t be drinking out of a tub, but the water can be used to flush a toilet rather than using your drinking water. Do this as the storm approaches.

2) Empty your ice bin into freezer Ziploc bags and make more ice.

3) Use water from the tap as long as you can. If you must use bottles, keep them and refill them. After the storm assume tap water is not safe to drink.

4) Turn up your freezer and fridge to the coldest settings. Avoid opening them as much as possible.

5) Cook your perishable foods such as meats and vegatables before the storm hits. Put them in the fridge and plan on those being your first meals after the storm. Save the non-perishables for Day 2 on.

6) Pack essential supplies in a central spot in your home. Do not use cardboard boxes, but instead rely on sturdy (non-paper) bags and plastic containers. What’s an essential supply? Food, water, batteries, flashlights, car/wall chargers.

7) Have two exits from your home. Hopefully the storm shutters are up. In case of an emergency such as a fire you do not want to trap yourself in your own home. Leave two doors uncovered to exit from.

8) Get the battery-powered radio ready. DirecTV/DISH will go first, power outage will take cable with it. Cellphone service will likely fail. Local news stations such as WFOR-TV CBS4 have agreements to simulcast on the radio. It will be local residents best source of information on what is happening as it happens.

9) During the storm stay in a room with no windows or in a closet, toward the center of your house.